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Traci's Have List

Posted by Traci 
Traci's Have List
April 24, 2017 07:30PM
This list will grow as the time draweth nigh LOL

Unless it's marked out - I still have more!

* St. John's Wort (Hypericum calycinum, I believe - this is a ground cover type - not a shrub. It's about a foot high)
* Orange mint
* Chocolate mint
* Lemon balm
* Aloe (indoor)
* Mountain mint (Pycnanthemum muticum) - this is not a true mint, but it does still spread a bit. It is lovely
- Ashley

* Grape Hyacinth
* River Oat (or Northern Sea Oat - Chasmanthium latifolium) - careful, it's a spreader! Lovely winter interest, though
* Oregano (has a sharp bite)
- Ashley
- Laura H
* Greek Oregano (milder than the other Oregano)
* Milk Thistle seedlings (maybe)
* Lunaria (Money plant)
* Rosemary cutting
- Laura H
* Solomon Seal
- Mary S


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/08/2017 02:26PM by Traci.
Re: Traci's Have List
May 07, 2017 09:32PM
Would love one of these: Mountain mint (Pycnanthemum muticum) - this is not a true mint, but it does still spread a bit. It is lovely

and this: Oregano (has a sharp bite)

Please look under Ashley & Ewellette's list
Re: Traci's Have List
May 08, 2017 02:27PM
You're going to LOVE the mountain mint!! It has such a lovely, cool mint flavor and the new growth is a beautiful silvery, gray. Makes the garden pop!
Re: Traci's Have List
May 08, 2017 05:50PM
Hi Traci,

I am interested in your lunaria.
I have a few vegetable and herbs in my list.
Please let me know if you have anything you like.

Re: Traci's Have List
May 10, 2017 06:25PM
Geni -
I got you down for the lunaria

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