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spinning smiley sticking its tongue outBrandon's Want Listspinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Posted by Brandon7 
spinning smiley sticking its tongue outBrandon's Want Listspinning smiley sticking its tongue out
September 28, 2023 04:17AM
1-gallon (trade gallon) or slightly smaller (but not too small) thermoformed/co-extruded/euro nursery pots. Thermoformed/co-extruded/euro pots are the thin but long-lasting pots like Proven Winners plants come in. I really don't need more blow-mold (standard cheap pots that break down pretty quickly) right now.

I would LOVE to find someone interested in mowing part-time at Sanctuary Arboretum and Botanical Garden 15 to 20 minutes east of downtown Knoxville in Mascot TN. This would be in independent contract type position where you would set your own hours and work with minimal supervision.

I would also LOVE to find someone interested in weeding and trimming part-time at Sanctuary Arboretum and Botanical Garden. This would be in independent contract type position where you would set your own hours and work with minimal supervision.
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