Ptp813 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello, > I have some newspapers and Italian oregano. Pam, I would to trade your newspaper and maybe a chocolate cherry tomato for my Stevia, Milkweed, and Sweet Woodruff. (I already have lots of oregano.) Thanks, Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2021 Want
smnp14 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Leigh, > > I'm interested in the stevia as I couldn't get it to grow from seed this year even though I tried twice. I'm also interested in the berry cane and the Lenten Rose. I'll get my have list up within the next few days. > > -Stephanie Stephanie, My Stevia, Black capby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2021 Have
Ptp813 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello Leigh, > I would love to trade for stevia and pink milkweed. I just put up my have list. > Thank you, Pam Pam, Stevia, Milkweed, sweet woodruff - trade for Newspaper. And maybe a chocolate cherry tomato. Thanks, Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2021 Have
KarinGrindall Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'd love some milkweed and butterfly weed Karin, I have you down to trade my Black cap canes, Milkweed, Butterfly weed, Brown eyed Susan, Black-eye Susan for your “Sweet Heat Hybrid” pepper and mystery Bee Balm Thanks, Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2021 Have
Kim, Black caps trade for your wood ash. Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2021 Have
KimC Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Leigh: I think I saw "black cap raspberries" on here before. If you end up having an extra couple of canes, I'd love to trade for that. If you see something on my list, please let me know. Thanks! Kim, My Black caps trade for your wood ash. Thanks, Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2021 Have
KarinGrindall Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > We just moved to a new house with zero landscaping. > > I'm always looking for a variety of different tomatoes and peppers, Passion Fruit, any wildflowers (bee balm, butterfly weed, coneflowers, etc, ground cover ideas preferably evergreen but still researching what would work best in full sun and clby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2021 Want
MaryS Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I love any medicinal plants. Raspberry plants, and native plants I have second year black raspberry canes (aka black caps) "black jewel". I put 4 in a gallon pot. I have yarrow ( yellow both pink) that stanched the flow of blood ( Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2021 Want
Leigh's want list I interested in native bloomers, unique herbs, and small sedums. I also could use leaves or newspaper (any carbon for the compost). I look forward to seeing all of you. Thanks, Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2021 Want
Herbs: Achillea millefolium, Yarrow – white, yellow, and pink varieties. These great spring/summer blooming perennials with a gray feathery foliage loves the sun. It can take some shade. The foliage lasts all winter. The white flowering plants are the most aggressive spreader. You need to cut back the dead blooms to keep it blooming all summer. Used to stop the flow of blood from wounds. – Marby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2021 Have
Kellie, I will bring - Sun gold cherry tomatoes seedling and Orange Iris. Trade for herbs or veggies. Thanks, cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2021 Want
Great. I have sunflower, geranium, stevia, fig, walking onion ready to trade for newspaper and leaves. Nwiles Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I would love some of the following if still > available: Native Sunflower, geranium, stevia, > fig, walking onion. And I have newspaper and > leaves for youby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2020 Have
Francis, Do you have any strawberry begonia left? I have the coleus and trailing houseplant for you. Thanks, Leigh Frances Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hey Leigh. If I have anything of interest to you, > I'd love to get a coleus and possibly your > trailing housplant. Any idea what it is?by cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2020 Have
Kellie, I have them ready for you. Leigh OhDearKel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I would love a banana! A trailing houseplant, > marjoram and oregano. Do you still have > everbearing strawberries? I have a bag of > newspaper and dianthus for you. I think I will > have some leaves cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2020 Have
Traci Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Oh girl - I have so much lemon balm!! LOL I'll > bring you some. If you have some extra garlic > chives and stevia, I'll take them as well. Check > out my have list and see if there is anything you > want there. Where is your stevia growing that it > loves it so well? Do you mulch it inby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2020 Have
I plan to come with my mask. I have a light table that I can bring. Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2020 Discussion
Traci, I have a banana tree, garlic chives and stevia for Lemon Balm. Thanks, Leigh Traci Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'll take a banana > > -Traciby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2020 Have
Banana trees (2) that have spread into my yard from my neighbor. 3 gallon pot and 1 gallon pot. - 1 Traci, 1 Kellie DONE Ficus carica, Brown Turkey Fig - bears fruit in mid-August through frost. 1 half-gallon pot. Nwiles DONE Oregano. An herb, which is good ground cover, is a stronger cousin to marjoram. This perennial plant loves sun and can tolerate some shade. After a year, the plant a taby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2020 Have
This is what I am looking for: Bags of leaves, Newspaper, Zucchetta seeds, Native bloomers for pollinators. Thanks, Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2020 Want
Kellie, I have three banana trees that have spread into my yard from my neighbor. I can dig them up of you and see what survives. One will fit in a 5 gallon bucket, but the other two will need to go in a trash bag. I have a variety of cooking herbs - oregano, marjoram, thyme (lemon, english, silver), and flat-leaf parsley (may be bolting soon; may bring you seeds). I have rosemary and sagby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2020 Want
D4 & D7. I'll dig some up. MaryS Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Leigh, I would love some sweet woodruff and > marjoram. I will have something for the swap but > not sure yet. I will bring leaves for youby cheeklc_2000 - Fall 2019 Have
MaryS, I appreciate the leaves. What do you want? Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Fall 2019 Want
D5. I dug up some orange double lilies for you. Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Would love to have some cheeklc_2000 - Fall 2019 Have
I am interested in Sedums (stone crops), herbs, and native flowers for pollinators. I will also take a bag of leaves in trade. I look forward to trading with you. Thanks, Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Fall 2019 Want
FALL 2019 P1. Sedum rupestre. Blue Spruce stonecrop is a low growing trailing variety with spectacular bluish foliage with conifer-like leaves. Full sun. Star-shaped flowers are usually in clusters or sprays that often change color throughout their bloom time. –2 3”-pots P2. Sedum tetractinum. Coral reef stonecrop, a perennial, flowers in the summer after it has matured. It is basicallyby cheeklc_2000 - Fall 2019 Have
Will be having a potluck this fall? I plan to come and bring a quiche. Thanks, Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Fall 2019 Discussion
Amy, I am happy to trade my Sweet Woodruff for your Feverfew. It is no problem to dig up the Sweet Woodruff. I had Feverfew a few years ago, but it did not survive transplanting. Thanks, Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2019 Have
Hi Ronnie, My sedums are ready to swap for your Echinacea Pallida ( pale purple coneflower) . Thanks, Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2019 Have
Hi Francis, I would love to trade a Stevia plant for your dwarf crested iris. Thanks, Leighby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2019 Have
Kim, A passion flower vine (native) sounds lovely. I have dug up a Black Jewel Raspberry for you. Thanks, Leigh KimC Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Leigh: > > Would you be interested in a passion flower vine (native)? Certain butterflies seem to especially like them. They don't always transplant well, but I've got some really sby cheeklc_2000 - Spring 2019 Want