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Leigh's Have List - updated 5/4

Posted by cheeklc_2000 
Leigh's Have List - updated 5/4
April 07, 2018 09:03PM
2018 plant swap

Hemerocallis, Daylily. Tall orange flower blooms late spring; perennial; loves sun. – 3 1-gallon pots (Traci)

Iris, bearded. Has white flowers with a purple hue that blooms mid spring. The perennial loves sun. – 3 1.5-gallon pots (SamanthaCobb), (Geni)

Sedum rupestre. Blue Spruce stonecrop is a low growing trailing variety with spectacular bluish foliage with conifer-like leaves. Full sun. Star-shaped flowers are usually in clusters or sprays that often change color throughout their bloom time. – 2 4”pots, 3 3”pots (Valerie C), (Ronnie)

Sedum ‘Lemon Ball’. This hardy stonecrop is very similar to ‘Angelina’ but with brighter chartreuse to lime green foliage and without the orange highlights in winter. The yellow spring flowers don’t show up well against the leaves but it makes a great accent in mixed containers or border foregrounds. Drought tolerant. Grows 4-5″ high by 10-12″ wide. Hardy to zone 3. – 2 3.5”pots, 1 4”pot. (Ronnie)

Geranium ‘Lemon Scented’. Perennial. Lemony scented when crushed or watered. Pink flowers for two to three weeks in the Spring after the tulips have blooms. Loose roots that are great for covering bulb beds. In spring it raises up to 18-24”. In the fall receeds back close to the ground and the leaves turn red. No fuss ground cover and very few weeds. Partial to Full Shade.. . – 1 4”pot (MaryS)

Ranunculus bulbosus, buttercup, perennial/bulb. This is a lovely east Tennessee wildflower. The stems are 20–60 cm tall, erect, branching, and slightly hairy flowering. There are alternate and sessile leaves on the stem. The flower forms at the apex of the stems, and is shiny and yellow with 5–7 petals. The flowers are 1.5–3 cm wide. The plant blooms from April to July. Foliage dies in the summer, but reappears in the fall. – 3 .5gal pots. (MaryS)

Rudbeckia triloba, Brown eyed Susan with short petals. This perennial wild flower is native to east Tennessee and North Caroline. H 2'-5', loves moist soils in full sun to part sun. Brilliant yellow flowers with black centers in Aug-Oct. Three-lobed leaves. Attracts butterflies and blooms until freeze. My original plant was a rescue by the local sunflower association and I have loved it. It may not bloom the first year, but is a champion bloom in the fall once established – 2 1gal pots. (Amy), (Ronnie) I can dig up more. (MaryS)

Narcissus, Yellow Daffodils. Bulbs. Flowers are yellow with yellow cups. 2 .7 gallon pots.

Daffodils, old paper-white with double blooms. (Kim C)

Red tulip bulbs - dug up and placed in gal pot.

Yellow tulip bulbs - dug up and placed in a gal pot.

Morning Glory - blue. grown from seed. 2" pot

Edited 12 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2018 12:11PM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Leigh's Have List
April 08, 2018 12:10PM
I would be interested in the Blue Spruce stone crop. I have some Coral reef Chinese stone crop to trade if you would be interested.
Thank you,
Re: Leigh's Have List
April 08, 2018 02:59PM
I would love to some ranunculus. I don’t have my list ready but will post it soon
Re: Leigh's Have List - Mary
April 09, 2018 12:20AM

I have you down for a Ranunculus bulbosus, buttercup.

Thanks, Leigh

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2018 03:03PM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Leigh's Have List
April 13, 2018 04:20PM
Hi Leigh,

I'm interested in your brown eyed susans. I just posted my list so let me know what you would like.

Re: Leigh's Have List
April 13, 2018 05:50PM
Hi Leigh,
I’d be interested in one of the sedum plants and the brown eyed Susan if you have any left. Working on a new full sun bed. I’ve posted my list if anything interests you, please let me know!
Re: Leigh's Have List - Ronnie
April 19, 2018 02:38PM
Great. I will mark the Sedums and Brown-eyed Susan. I will swap for your rudbeckia (Autumn and Irish Eyes).

Ronnieplain Wrote:
> Hi Leigh,
> I’d be interested in one of the sedum plants and
> the brown eyed Susan if you have any left. Working
> on a new full sun bed. I’ve posted my list if
> anything interests you, please let me know!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2018 02:58PM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Leigh's Have List - Amy
April 19, 2018 02:40PM
I have marked a brown eyed susan for you. Swap for a set of Walking Eygptian onions. Leigh

Amy H Wrote:
> Hi Leigh,
> I'm interested in your brown eyed susans. I just
> posted my list so let me know what you would like.
> Amy

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2018 02:56PM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Leigh's Have List - Valerie
April 19, 2018 03:00PM
Valerie, Perfect. I have marked you down for the Blue Spruce stone crop and will swap for some reef Chinese stone crop.

Valerie C Wrote:
> Leigh,
> I would be interested in the Blue
> d in the Blue Spruce stone crop. I have some Coral
> reef Chinese stone crop to trade if you would be
> interested.
> Thank you,
> Valerie

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2018 03:46PM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Leigh's Have List
April 23, 2018 02:47PM
I'd love to have a Daylily

Re: Leigh's Have List - Mary
April 27, 2018 12:00PM
If you have extra Rudbeckia i would like one and also a geranimun. I will definintely get my list in a couple of days Thanks
Re: Leigh's Have List
April 27, 2018 02:50PM
Interested in the Iris
Re: Leigh's Have List - Traci, Daylily
May 05, 2018 01:30AM
Hi Traci,

I have marked a Daylily for you. I will take a sunflower if you have any left.

Traci Wrote:
> I'd love to have a Daylily
> -Traci
Re: Leigh's Have List - Mary S, Rudbeckia & Geranium
May 05, 2018 01:33AM
Hey Mary S.

I have mark the Rudbeckia and geranium for you. I will swap for some of your Chinese Ginger.

MaryS Wrote:
> If you have extra Rudbeckia i would like one and
> also a geranimun. I will definintely get my list
> in a couple of days Thanks
Re: Leigh's Have List - Samantha, IRIS
May 05, 2018 01:42AM
Hi Samantha,

I have marked an Iris for you. I would love to swap for a native columbine.


SamanthaCobb Wrote:
> Interested in the Iris
Re: Leigh's Have List - updated 5/4
May 05, 2018 12:48PM

I have you down for the blackberry lily in trade for the daffodils.

Re: Leigh's Have List - updated 5/4
May 10, 2018 05:00PM
Hi Leigh,
I would love to trade your bearded iris. If you find anything from my list, let me know. Thanks.
Re: Leigh's Have List - updated 5/4 Geni Iris for Gayfeather
May 11, 2018 10:01AM
Hey Geni

I have you marked for an Iris and will swap for a gayfeather.

Thanks, Leigh

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2018 10:55AM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Leigh's Have List - Ronnie
May 11, 2018 04:23PM
Unfortunately, the rudbeckia are looking sickly. Only two of the autumn and one Irish eyes is growing but not like I had hoped.
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