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spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 5/5

Posted by Brandon7 
spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 5/5
January 26, 2019 06:37AM
Haworthia (unknown species) - succulent houseplant - have lots (RonniePlain-1)
Haworthia collection - succulent houseplants - one each of 2 unknown species - have 6

Hatiora gaertneri 'Colomba' (Easter cactus) - succulent houseplant - orange blooms - have 2
Hatiora gaertneri 'Sirius' (Easter cactus) - succulent houseplant - white blooms - have 2
Schlumbergera 'Cyber Dancer' (Thanksgiving cactus) - succulent houseplant - fuchsia blooms - have 6
Schlumbergera 'Exotic Dancer' (Thanksgiving cactus) - succulent houseplant - red blooms - have 2
Schlumbergera 'Lavender Best' (Thanksgiving cactus) - succulent houseplant - lavender blooms - have 2
Schlumbergera 'unknown cultivar' (Thanksgiving cactus) - succulent houseplant - peachy orange blooms (could be 'Christmas Fantacy') - have 7
Schlumbergera x bridgesii (real Christmas cactus) -succulent houseplant - magenta blooms - have 6
Holiday cactus collection - succulent houseplants - one each of all 7 above - have 2

Crassula ovata 'Gollum' (jade plant) - succulent houseplant - jade with tubular shaped leaves - have 5 (RonniePlain-1, Frances-1)
Hatiora salicornioides (drunkard's dream / dancing bones cactus) - succulent houseplant - have 3
Kalanchoe tomentosa (panda plant) - succulent houseplant - all taken (Frances-1)
Mammillaria elongata (golden lace cactus) - succulent houseplant - this one is small - have 1
Rhipsalis teres f. capilliformis (link cactus) - succulent houseplant - slightly less than 100% sure of correct ID - have 2

'Aunt Ruby's German Green' tomato - my favorite tomato, very meaty, very tasty, stays green when ripe - have a few (KimC-2)
'Cherokee Purple' tomato - popular heirloom cultivar - have a few (Suzanne-1)
'German Pink' tomato - popular heirloom cultivar - have a few
'Japanese Black Trifele' tomato -medium sized heirloom - have a few (Suzanne-1)
'Kentucky Beefstake' tomato - popular heirloom cultivar - have a few
'Mortgage Lifter' tomato - popular heirloom cultivar - have a few
(SamanthaCobb wants unspecified tomatoes)

Catalpa bignonioides (southern catalpa) - tree - small seedling in one gallon pot - have at least 4
Hovenia dulcis (Japanese raisin tree) - tree - very small seedling in one gallon pot - have at least 1
Iberis sempervirens (candytuft) - evergreen perennial - one gallon pot - all taken (KimC)
Toona ciliata (toon tree) - tree - small seedling in one gallon pot - have at least 3
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis (thornless honey locust) - tree - small seedlings. Most will have no or very little thorns, but you won't know for 100% sure for about 10 to 12 years, which is when honey locust normally start producing thorns. - have lots

- - - - - - - - - -

Notes to self (what I'm getting): Rise-n-Shine rose - Kim

Edited 24 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2019 03:09AM by Brandon7.
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 2/13
February 13, 2019 08:08PM
Hey Brandon - do you ever have any seedlings (or seeds) from your BeeBee trees? I got one from you a few years ago and loved it. It grew really well for a year or so and then just died - no idea why.
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 2/13
February 15, 2019 04:31AM
Frances, I looked and did find a tiny one. It's about an inch tall. I will monitor it when spring gets here to see if it makes it though the winter.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2019 02:30AM by Brandon7.
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 2/13
February 17, 2019 11:17AM
ok, thanks, but if you only have one you may want to keep it???? Not at all sure what I will be bringing yet but I will be looking around.
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 2/13
February 18, 2019 07:24AM
I don't think I will need it, Frances, but don't count on it yet.
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 2/13
March 06, 2019 01:08PM
Good morning, Brandon! Interested in a Gollum Jade and Haworthia! Still working on my list but hope to have it up within a week or so as my plants are coming along!
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 2/13
March 09, 2019 04:52AM
Got ya. I will watch for your list.
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 2/13
March 31, 2019 10:52PM

I would love an "Aunt Ruby's German Green" tomato! In don't know if you'll be interested in any of my plants but are there any supplies you are hunting?
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 2/13
April 01, 2019 05:47AM
Kim, I put you down for two A.R.German Green tomatoes. I grew them for the first time last year and was extremely impressed. Two plants should give you enough tomatoes to enjoy. I would be interested in your Rise-n-Shine rose, but I don't know if two tomato plants would be worth a rose. I should have more later, so if the rose is still available and you are interested in trading, I will still owe you something.
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 4/1
April 07, 2019 03:01PM
Interested in Tomato Plants, I will be listing my haves shortly
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 4/1
April 16, 2019 06:06PM
I was never able to meet you and get the passion flower you had. If you have one this year, would you bring it? I'll be a little late to the swap but will be there. I'm still working on my have list but should have some tomatoes and peppers (my usual) and some extra seeds.
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 4/1
April 17, 2019 03:22AM
Samantha, I should have plenty of tomato plants at the swap. Try to catch me early so you can have your pick. I probably won't have a whole lot of any one particular cultivar.

Karin, sorry, but I doubt I will dig any passionflower plants this year. I could harvest seeds, but that will be later on in the season.
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 4/19
April 22, 2019 05:23PM

I would love a Cherokee Purple and a Japanese Black Trifele if you still have some available.

I'm working on my Have list and will post today or tomorrow.

Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 4/19
April 24, 2019 01:44AM
Hey Brandon, could I get one of the Crassula ovata 'Gollum' for Mom? and maybe the Kalanchoe tomentosa (panda plant)?
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 4/19
April 24, 2019 05:56AM
Suzanne and Frances, I got your requests reserved.
Re: spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Brandon's Have List spinning smiley sticking its tongue out - updated 5/5
May 08, 2019 08:51PM

If you still have the candytuft, I'd love to trade for that. I'm not sure if I have anything else you need/want (?)

Kim C
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