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Pam’s Haves

Posted by Ptp813 
Pam’s Haves
April 26, 2021 03:56AM
Hello, It’s been a while since I’ve been able to attend a swap. I’m really looking forward to participating. I have a few things I’m not sure of the name but will try to describe. I’ll try to get correct names soon. I do apologize to those who strongly prefer the names. A lot of my tags are gone and I’m not remembering.

Lavender creeping phlox
Pink creeping phlox -(have more) Mary S
Cream Lenton rose
Perennial sunflower
Campanula Elizabeth - Stephanie
Chocolate cherry tomato -have many Frances
Apple mint - none left Frances
Italian Oregano
Lambs ear (have several)Martharose
Variegated vinca - Stephanie
Variegated Ground cover with yellow flower - Lamiastrum 'Variegatum
Pink columbine
Purple bells bulb
Pink perennial flower
Lemon balm - MaryS
Vine - Pipevine Swallowtail host. (I believe it’s a type of pipevine. The Pipevine swallowtail definitely uses it as a host in our yard) - Kim
Crocosmia Lucifer
Penstemon mystica - Stephanie
Purple coneflower
Orange day lily
Siberian iris
Sedum - I believe it’s Autumn Joy Martharose
Hens and chicks - Kim
Rose campion - Kim
Creeping Jenny
Canna with red leaf and I think red flower Martharose
Black eyed Susan
Tall Mexican petunia

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2021 06:50PM by Ptp813.
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 26, 2021 05:56PM
Hey, Pam. I'm glad you're able to be at the swap. I still have the yellow irises you gave me from a few years ago, going strong!

I am interested in trading for the Rose Campion. Will you check my list and see if there's anything you are interested in?

Re: Pam’s Haves
April 27, 2021 02:45AM
Hi Kim,
I’m so glad the iris is doing well.

Actually I’d like a couple things if you’d like to look for more on my list. I’d like the kerris japonica, uchida Lily and money plant.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Thanks, Pam
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 27, 2021 02:52AM
Hello again, I actually messaged on your want list that I may have a pot for you and some smaller sedums. I can bring them and if you like them they are yours lol. Or if you see something else just let me know. ????
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 27, 2021 12:41PM
Hi Pam,

You've got quite the list! I'd be interested in one of these but I'm not too picky-Campanula Elizabeth, vinca, purple bells, crocosmia, penstemon mystica, rose campion.

Let me know if you want to trade. My list is posted.


Re: Pam’s Haves
April 27, 2021 01:41PM

Per your message above, I've got you down for the money plant, the kerria, and the Uchida lily.

Besides the rose campion, I'm interested in trading for a vine (pipevine?) and a hen-and-chick.

Re: Pam’s Haves
April 27, 2021 04:25PM
Hey Pam! I don't have any of the plants you are looking for but a few things I could dig are .... white turtle head, black and blue salvia, dwarf nandina 'Harbour Belle', mondo grass, yellow root, and variegated solomon's seal - possibly some other items as I look around. I would be interested in your apple mint if you see anything you would trade for.

Thanks Frances

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2021 04:35PM by Frances.
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 27, 2021 07:28PM
Pam, I would like the pink creeping phlox

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2021 04:47PM by MaryS.
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 28, 2021 11:29AM
Sounds great Kim. I will set them aside for you.

Thank you, Pam
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 28, 2021 11:34AM
Yes, I’d love to trade for the black and blue salvia and the white turtle head. I’ll bring you the apple mint and I could bring a hanging pot or a different plant of your choosing. ????

Thank you,
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 28, 2021 02:42PM
Sorry this is a repeat. Pink creeping phlox. Let me know if you see anything else on my list. Thanks

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2021 04:48PM by MaryS.
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 28, 2021 04:09PM
The Chocolate Cherry tomato would be great. I am so excited to get the apple mint, it is my favorite. And ... it will be great to see you!!!
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 29, 2021 02:12AM
Yes, Mary, I will bring you some pink creeping phlox. It looks so beautiful in a particular spot in our yard. I’ll have to show you a photo at the swap. ????

Thanks, Pam
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 29, 2021 02:13AM
You got it Frances. I’ll bring the chocolate cherry tomato for you. Looking forward to seeing you as well.

Thank you, Pam
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 29, 2021 09:12PM
Ptp813 Wrote:
> Hello, It’s been a while since I’ve been able to
> attend a swap. I’m really looking forward to
> participating. I have a few things I’m not sure
> of the name but will try to describe. I’ll try to
> get correct names soon. I do apologize to those
> who strongly prefer the names. A lot of my tags
> are gone and I’m not remembering.
> Lavender creeping phlox
> Pink creeping phlox - Mary
> S

> Cream Lenton rose
> Perennial sunflower
> Campanula Elizabeth -
> Stephanie
> Hosta
> Chocolate cherry tomato -have many
> Frances
> Apple mint - none left Frances

> Italian Oregano
> Lambs ear Martha Rose
> Variegated vinca -
> Stephanie
> Variegated Ground cover with yellow flower
> Pink columbine
> Purple bells bulb
> Pink perennial flower
> Lemon balm - MaryS
> Vine - Pipevine Swallowtail host. (I believe it’s
> a type of pipevine. The Pipevine swallowtail
> definitely uses it as a host) -
> Kim
> Crocosmia Lucifer
> Penstemon mystica -
> Stephanie
> Purple coneflower
> Orange day lily
> Siberian iris
> Sedum - I believe it’s Autumn Joy
> Hens and chicks - Kim
> Rose campion - Kim
> Creeping Jenny
> Canna with red leaf and I think red flower
> Black eyed Susan
Re: Pam’s Haves
April 29, 2021 09:14PM
I'd love some lamb's ear and canna, sedum, too.

IF you have anything left over, I'll take it; moved to a different place and have beds
to fill
Re: Pam’s Haves
May 03, 2021 02:24PM
Hi Martharose,
Yes, I will bring those for you.

Thank You , Pam
Re: Pam’s Haves
May 03, 2021 04:28PM
What kind of pepper plants do you have for trading?

smiling smiley Pam
Re: Pam’s Haves
May 06, 2021 01:16PM
I have some of the Pink Mexican Petunias
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