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Karin's Have List

Posted by KarinGrindall 
Karin's Have List
March 19, 2021 07:14PM
Just started seedlings for tomatoes and peppers. Will post more details once I see what germinates. If do have a few pepper seeds, if anyone wants me to type a list of seeds, just let me know.

4/30 Update - small seedlings of...
“TN Britches” tomatoes
“Orange Strawberry” tomatoes
“Orange Jazz” tomatoes - Mary S.
“Gardeners Delight” tomatoes
“Orange Hybrid” tomatoes
“Amana Orange” tomatoes
“Willard Wynn” tomatoes - Sheila, Mary S.

Hopefully these peppers (the jury is still out):
“Shishito” pepper
“Morita Chili” pepper
“Datil” pepper
“Dragon Hybrid” pepper
“Sweet Heat Hybrid” pepper

Mystery color bee balm (should be pink, purple or white) - Kim

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2021 11:52PM by KarinGrindall.
Re: Karin's Have List
April 11, 2021 08:47PM
It will be great to see YOU again.
Re: Karin's Have List
April 26, 2021 06:14PM

I got your message under my wish list. Yes, I'm interested in trading for your bee balm (Monarda) - thanks! Which of my iris are you interested in trading for?

Re: Karin's Have List
April 30, 2021 12:19PM
I’ll take whatever irises you have and want to get rid off. I have a place to the side of my yard that I plan to fill with irises and am not concerned about names or colors. I just want a variety. I’ll bring some of my bee balm. It should be white, pink or purple but I won’t know until it blooms. ???? (yeah for loosing my sheet that said what I planted and where)

Re: Karin's Have List
April 30, 2021 02:20PM
Okay - thanks. Karin. I'll note that on my list (trade irises for bee balm).
Re: Karin's Have List
April 30, 2021 02:57PM

I had to Google your tomato varieties. They all look amazing, especially the Willard Wynn. I'm always on the lookout for different varieties.

I have several boxes of gardening books, cook books and other misc. reading material. Hope I have something you'd like. I'd happily take any variety of the tomatoes. They're my favorite summer food!


Re: Karin's Have List
April 30, 2021 09:23PM
I have blue bells for you. Would like to swap for Willard Wynn tomato and orange jazz if you see something else on my list you want

If you want something that attracts hummingbirds look up the major wheeler honeysuckle. Mine has been in the same place over 40 years and doesn’t spread. Beautiful red flowers

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2021 11:01PM by MaryS.
Re: Karin's Have List
May 02, 2021 11:55PM
Sheila - I've got you down for WIllard Wynn for sure and you can see what else I have at the swap. I'm sure I'll have plenty to choose from. Just a heads up that they are still small. I got a late start. I'll take a look at your books but am also happy to give you plants without a trade.

Mary - I've got you down for Willard Wynn and Orange Jazz. Anything you have for hummingbirds would be great!!
Re: Karin's Have List - Leigh's trade
May 04, 2021 04:49PM

I am replying to your post on your wish list.

I am interested in trading my Black cap canes, Milkweed, Butterfly weed, Brown eyed Susan, Black-eye Susan
for a “Sweet Heat Hybrid” pepper and some mystery Bee Balm.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2021 12:53AM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Karin's Have List - Leigh's trade
May 04, 2021 11:42PM
Leigh, That all sounds great. Is there anything specific you want me to set aside or do you just want to see what I have Saturday? I should have plenty of everything except Williard Wynn. Only a few seeds germinated which is disappointing but as long as I have one good for myself to collect seeds from, I'm happy and I will trade the rest. As you can see, I have lots to choose from if you are a tomato or pepper fan.
Re: Karin's Have List
May 06, 2021 01:19AM
Thanks so much. See you Saturday.
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