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KimC's Have List

Posted by KimC 
KimC's Have List
April 23, 2017 10:56PM
Kim's Have List

Bearded iris (Tall, bright yellow -- name unknown) - Geni
Bearded iris (Tall, two-toned violet -- name unknown)
Crocosmia x Curtonis (Lucifer crocosmia) - Val, Ewellette
Gladiolus primulinus 'Atom' (Small red glad with white border) - Suzanne's daughter
Hosta ventricosa *Very small division
Hyacinthus orientalus 'Gypsy Queen' (Peachy pink hyacinth) *Heirloom; 1927 - Geni, Suzanne ALL TAKEN
Lunaria annua (Honesty/Money Plant / Silver Dollar) - Mark, Geni
Lycoris squamigera (Resurrection Lily / Surprise Lily) *Heirloom; 1882 - Val, Ashley
Polianthes tuberosa 'Mexican Single' (Tuberose) *Heirloom; 1530 - Leigh

Edited 10 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2017 01:24PM by KimC.
Re: KimC's Have List
April 23, 2017 11:36PM

I would be interested in some Lunaria annua if you see anything on my list you want.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2017 06:47AM by plant_collector.
Re: KimC's Have List
April 24, 2017 02:46AM
I would be interested in the (Lucifer crocosmia) and a (Resurrection Lily / Surprise Lily), if you see anything on my list, please let me know.
Re: KimC's Have List
April 25, 2017 02:19PM
Hi Kim!
Do you still want my pink rainlily?
If you still want, I want to trade it with Lunaria.
I am also interested in your yellow bearded iris.
Let me know if you see anything you like in my list.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2017 02:23PM by Geni.
Re: KimC's Have List
April 27, 2017 12:27PM

I would love some of the Gypsy Queen Hyacinth. I have a list posted and hope I have something you would like.

Re: KimC's Have List
April 27, 2017 02:07PM
If you have extra Gypsy queen hyacinth, I like to have it in trade with ostrich fern.

Re: KimC's Have List
May 06, 2017 04:32PM

I would like to get Lycoris squamigera (Resurrection Lily / Surprise Lily). Let me know if you want anything from my list.


Ashley (Lilrosebud840)
Re: KimC's Have List
May 07, 2017 09:40PM
I would love,

Crocosmia x Curtonis (Lucifer crocosmia) & Polianthes tuberosa 'Mexican Single'

Please look on Ashley & Ewellette list for trades
Re: KimC's Have List
May 09, 2017 03:11PM
Hello, all.

I continue trying to update my list but so far can't get the edit function to work without an error message. Unfortunately, this list is what keeps me straight on what I've traded smiling smiley

So, I'll track your trade requests through Wednesday but then won't do any more trading until the swap on Saturday.

Re: KimC's Have List
May 09, 2017 08:56PM

I'd like to trade for Gladiolus primulinus 'Atom' (Small red glad with white border) for my daughter. Would you like another pot of three Lily of the Valley or anything else on my list? I also have yarrow and rosey coreopsis that aren't listed. And a rose campion.

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