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Traci's Want List

Posted by Traci 
Traci's Want List
May 04, 2021 03:49PM
Well guys - 2021 has been a little rough on me. I've been under the weather and unable to garden very much so not sure what I'll have to trade. However, I am helping a friend establish a garden so I'll be there to beg for plant babies for her! LOL I want to put together a HUGE gift to her from the Swap Squad smiling smiley

I figure I'm due a year off. I brought over 100 plants last year in pre-trades. LOL

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!

- Traci
Re: Traci's Want List
May 04, 2021 04:45PM

What is your friend need?

Flowers, herbs, veggies

Sun or Shade.


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/04/2021 05:07PM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Traci's Want List
May 06, 2021 11:47AM
Leigh -

She is pretty open to anything but flowers and herbs are what she likes the most.

She has a good mix of Sun and Shade (lucky dog!), so it's free game!

Re: Traci's Want List
May 07, 2021 06:20PM
I'll gladly share whatever i bring with you for your friend.
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