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Frances' Wish List

Posted by Frances 
Frances' Wish List
January 25, 2021 02:23PM
Sansevieria - 'Bantels Sensation' (white snake plant)
clivia - plant or seeds
orchid plants - compact growing
red lipstick plant (Aeschynanthus radicans)
Re: Frances' Wish List
April 11, 2021 08:44PM
BE so nice to see YOU again
Re: Frances' Wish List
April 26, 2021 02:08AM
OK, this is almost embarrassing to offer, but how about a couple of clivias in less than perfect shape? They probably just need a little extra love, or something. I don't know the cultivar name on either one, but they are different types. I seriously won't be offended or anything if you don't want them, cause, like I said, they aren't specimen quality plants. Oh, and one comes with some Kalanchoe beauverdii already in the pot.
Re: Frances' Wish List
April 27, 2021 03:03PM
Oh my! I am so thrilled with the clivia. I had one years ago and loved it so I am thrilled to get these no matter what they look like. I don't have anything much to trade ... white turtle head, black and blue salvia, dwarf nandina 'Harbour Belle', mondo grass, yellow root, and variegated solomon's seal - possibly some other items as I look around.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2021 04:34PM by Frances.
Re: Frances' Wish List
April 28, 2021 01:37AM
OK, I will bring them (with a red face).
Re: Frances' Wish List
April 28, 2021 10:58AM
Well at least it will be the right plant .... unlike what I did to you. Talk about red faced!
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