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Kellie’s Wishlist

Posted by OhDearKel 
Kellie’s Wishlist
April 11, 2021 03:19AM
Limelight hydrangeas
Fountain grass and variety, but red especially
A good beef steak tomato or interesting variety
Sun gold cherry tomatoes

Honestly, I just love to grow things. I love the plant swap because I always come home with things I’ve never tried and being surprised brings me a lot of joy in the garden.

So if there is anything you want I have, I am happy to make a trade for anything. My wants are not exclusive to this list. Thanks!
Re: Kellie’s Wishlist - Sun gold tomato; Iris
April 12, 2021 08:51PM

I will bring - Sun gold cherry tomatoes seedling and
Orange Iris.

Trade for herbs or veggies.

Thanks, Leigh.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2021 01:22PM by cheeklc_2000.
April 14, 2021 08:10AM
I am looking for Strawberry mint, Bearded Iris, Spanish Lavender, any herbs and veggies. I have St. John's W, Mint, Hen's n Chicks, Succulents, maybe some bulbs, and a few other things
Re: Kellie’s Wishlist
April 15, 2021 12:51PM
hey twil82b -

Make your own post under the "want" forum and people will be able to find you easier.

Also, I have strawberry mint. LOL I'll bring you some if you're gonna be at the swap. I also have st. john's wort, but mine is the ground cover. I'm not sure if you are looking for the bush variety. I know tons about herbs (and I have tons), so if you got questions - I'm here!
Re: Wishlist
April 19, 2021 01:28PM
I would love something hens and chicks. I can bring some herbs and some veggies.
Re: Kellie’s Wishlist - Sun gold tomato; Iris
April 19, 2021 01:32PM
Leigh - I would love an orange iris and a sun gold cherry tomato seedling - they're my absolute favorite garden snack.
Re: Kellie’s Wishlist
April 26, 2021 03:30AM
I have some chocolate cherry tomato seeedlings. I also have some white irises.

???? Pam
Re: Kellie’s Wishlist
May 07, 2021 08:44PM
I'm bringing beef steak tomatoes; be sure to look me up.
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