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Leigh's Have List

Posted by cheeklc_2000 
Leigh's Have List
February 07, 2022 06:06PM
Achillea millefolium, Yarrow – white and pink varieties. These great spring/summer blooming perennials with a gray/green feathery foliage loves the sun. It can take some shade. The foliage lasts all winter. The white flowering plants are the most aggressive spreader. You need to cut back the dead blooms to keep it blooming all summer. Herb is used to stop the flow of blood from wounds (battlefield weed). –

Galium Odoratum, Sweet Woodruff. A medicinal plant and perennial ground cover with white flower that bloom in mid-spring. The perennial prefers shade and will go dormant in the heat of the summer. – Stephanie, smnp14

Marjoram. An herb, which is good ground cover, is a milder cousin to oregano. I love using this variety when cooking with chicken and mushrooms. This bright green perennial plant can tolerate sun, but seems to love shade. – Stephanie, smnp14

Oregano. An herb, which is good ground cover, is a stronger flavor and taller cousin to marjoram. This perennial plant loves sun and can tolerate shade. After a year, the plant has tall flowers in late summer. –

Salvia rosmarinus, Rosemary. When mature, this lovely kitchen herb had blue flowers that attracts bees in the spring and fall. The main plant is 5 feet wide and 3 feet tall, is about 10 years old, and has been cold tolerated to negative 20 degrees. –.Nwiles

Stevia. This sweetener herb is lovely. I put a leaf in my tea when brewing. It is supposed to be an annual in our climate, but has come back every year for over 10 years. - Nwiles ; Stephanie, smnp14

Native bloomers:
Asclepias, Milkweed (white/pink) -

Rudbeckia triloba, Brown-eyed Susan with short yellow petals. This short-lived perennial wild flower is native to east Tennessee and North Caroline. H 2'-5', loves moist soils in full sun to part sun. Brilliant yellow flowers with black centers in Aug-Oct. Three-lobed leaves. Attracts butterflies and blooms until freeze. My original plant was a rescue by the local sunflower association and I have loved it. It may not bloom the first year. When it begins to bloom, it will bloom several months and survive frost. It reseeds itself. – KimC

Rudbeckia hirta, Black-eyed Susan with long yellow petals and black centers. This perennial wild flower is native to North America and beyond. Grows 24-30 inches high, slowly spreading to at least 2- 3 feet wide. Adaptable to a wide range of soil types and is fairly drought tolerant. The only maintenance Black Eyed Susan requires is a quick trimming of the dead flower stalks during the fall. Full sun to part sun. It has alternate, mostly basal leaves 10–18 cm long, covered by coarse hair, with stout branching stems and daisy-like, composite flower heads appearing in late summer and early autumn. Attracts butterflies. It is a well behaved and spreads slowly by root. –

Arisaema triphyllum, Jack in the pulpit. The green and purple strip flower blooms in mid-spring. In the summer and winter, the plant goes dormant. Prefers shade – Nwiles

Flowers (perennials):
Geranium, Big Root ‘Lemon Scented’. Perennial with lemony scented when crushed or watered. Pink flowers for two to three weeks in the Spring after the tulips have blooms. Loose roots that are great for covering bulb beds. In spring it raises up to 18-24”. In the fall, the plant recedes back close to the ground and the some leaves turn red. No fuss ground cover and very few weeds. Partial to Full Shade. - Stephanie, smnp14

Iris, bearded. Is white trimmed in purple that blooms mid spring. The perennial loves sun. - Martharose

Helleborus orientalis, Lenten Roses. A neighbor shared this great plant with me and now I have baby plants that I can dig up. The baby plants should bloom next year. This perennial loves shade and the leaves will burn in the sun. It has the first flower to bloom in February and the blooms last through April and part of May. The flower color is a muted rose/burgundy and changes to cream color at the end of the blooming season. – Nwiles

Hemerocallis, Daylily. Tall orange flower blooms late spring; perennial; loves sun. –Martharose

Tomato seedlings Hybrid cherry Sun Gold F1 -

Tomato seedlings Hybrid cherry Juliet F1 -

Allium × proliferum, Egyptian walking onions. I love these perennial onions. They grow bulbs on the top and then topple over to reseed themselves. - Nwiles

Allium tuberosum. Garlic chives can be aggressive growers. Perennial, but dies back in the winter. They are easy to control if you don’t let them go to seed. These are mild flavored in sauté.- Stephanie, smnp14

Ground covers and sedums:

Sedum angelina. This hardy yellow-green stonecrop is lovely all winter and has orange highlight as it turns cold. It is lovely as a slow growing groundcover or in a pot. – Stephanie, smnp14

Sedum, medium height. This green sedum is about 18" tall and has a yellow flower in late spring. I received it at a swap several years. It spreads nicely as a tall ground cover. It is aggressive, but easy to control. –Nwiles

Nwiles - trade ____? for Sedum, medium height.; Egyptian Walking Onions; Lenten rose; Jack in the pulpit; Stevia; Rosemary; Oregano

Stephanie, smnp14 - trade egg cartons for marjoram, stevia, garlic chives, geranium, sweet woodruff, some sedum.

KimC - trade wood ash for Rubbeckia Triloba, Brown-eyed Susan.

Martharose - trade wood chips for Daylily and Iris.

Edited 17 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2022 12:26AM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Leigh's Have List
April 22, 2022 09:56PM
Hey Leigh. Would you trade wood ash for a rosemary and a milkweed? If so, how much would you like?
Re: Leigh's Have List
April 24, 2022 12:29AM
Frances Wrote:
> Hey Leigh. Would you trade wood ash for a rosemary
> and a milkweed? If so, how much would you like?

France, I would love trade for wood ash (any amount that you wish to give). This spring, I made some new rosemary cutting that should make it. I did not like the look of my rosemary cutting from the fall. I dug up a lovely milkweed for you.



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2022 07:31PM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Leigh's Have List
April 24, 2022 12:15PM
Re: Leigh's Have List
April 27, 2022 05:03PM
Leigh, sorry to cancel our trade but I am not going to be able to attend the swap.
Re: Leigh's Have List
May 03, 2022 08:27PM
WOW, looks like you are going to be traded out LOL

I can always use iris and daylily

Any leftovers, send my way.
Re: Leigh's Have List
May 05, 2022 01:43PM
I am interested in:

Sedum, medium height. This green sedum is about 18" tall and has a yellow flower in late spring,

Egyptian Onions

Lenten rose

Jack in the pulpit



I don’t seem to have anything from your trade list. But hopefully you can take a look at what I bringsmiling smiley
Re: Leigh's Have List
May 06, 2022 01:09AM
Hi Leigh. Please check out my list when you get the chance and let me know if you'd like to swap. Plants I don't have that I'd potentially be interested in from your list, as well as in order of preference, include: marjoram, stevia, garlic chives, geranium, sweet woodruff, some sedum.
Re: Leigh's Have List - trade with NWiles
May 06, 2022 01:51AM

I was nice to meet you and your girls. I hope you enjoy the plants.


Nwiles Wrote:
> I am interested in:
> Sedum, medium height. This green sedum is about
> 18" tall and has a yellow flower in late spring,
> Egyptian Onions
> Lenten rose
> Jack in the pulpit
> Stevia
> Rosemary
> Oregano
> I don’t seem to have anything from your trade
> list. But hopefully you can take a look at what I
> bringsmiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/08/2022 01:39AM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Leigh's Have List - trade with Stephanie
May 06, 2022 01:57AM

Egg cartons work.


smnp14 Wrote:
> Hi Leigh. Please check out my list when you get
> the chance and let me know if you'd like to swap.
> Plants I don't have that I'd potentially be
> interested in from your list, as well as in order
> of preference, include: marjoram, stevia, garlic
> chives, geranium, sweet woodruff, some sedum.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2022 02:44AM by cheeklc_2000.
Re: Leigh's Have List
May 06, 2022 02:09AM

I've got some cured wood ash. Can I trade that for Rudbeckia triloba?

Re: Leigh's Have List - trade with Stephanie
May 06, 2022 02:32AM
Hi Leigh! I don't have any newspapers or leaves. If you're looking for 'brown' material for compost, I do have a bunch of cardboard egg cartons that could work. If you're looking to add material directly to your beds though, I don't have anything to meet that need. If a trade won't work, it's all good. smiling smiley
Re: Leigh's Have List - KimC trade
May 06, 2022 02:53AM

I would love to trade wood ash for Rubbeckia Triloba, Brown-eyed Susan.


KimC Wrote:
> Leigh:
> I've got some cured wood ash. Can I trade that
> for Rudbeckia triloba?
> Thanks,
> Kim
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