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Mary’s Have List

Posted by MaryS 
Mary’s Have List
May 01, 2023 02:34PM
This is what a have right now. Will be adding more as I can

Cherry-licious tomatoes. Sheila
Komohama Hawaiian grape tomatoes
Tropical Sunset tomatoes

Clary Sage

Red Coneflowers. Leigh
Lily of the Valley

Bell peppers
Five color Chinese hot peppers
Chocolate Beauty Pepper. Sheila
Cayenne Pepper
Seminole Pumpkin

Possibly have these
1 Gogi berry
Carolina Jessamine

Amish Melon
Minnesota Midget Cantaloupe

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2023 06:43PM by MaryS.
Re: Mary’s Have List
May 05, 2023 08:45PM

I would love to have a Cherry-licious and/or tropical sunset tomato. Also interested in a Chocolate Beauty or other bell peppers.

I'm bringing some nice gardening and cookbooks along with lots of magazines and smaller books.


Re: Mary’s Have List
May 06, 2023 01:11AM
I would love to trade for your red coneflower. and newspaper.

Thanks, Leigh

MaryS Wrote:
> Leigh,
> I would like to get 2 of the sedums. The Angelina
> a and the lemon ball. Check my list and let me
> know if you see something you want for trade. I
> have some newspapers for you
Re: Mary’s Have List
May 11, 2023 02:40PM
Wow Mary! You have great plants! I know you said you have a banana for me, but I would really like paprika, a cantaloupe and a tropical sunset tomato if you have some. I have you down for apple mint and canna, but I think a I have a couple shade plants & few more items you would like as well.
Re: Mary’s Have List
May 11, 2023 04:41PM
Sounds good. I’ll put your name on them. See you Saturday!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2023 04:41PM by MaryS.
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