I'll bring you a few Crocosmia Lucifer for your mom's garden. They are a striking red in summer and will bring some height to your garden without a lot of width. They are good to tuck here and there. I just love them!! (just not their name LOL)by Traci - Spring 2022 Want
Mark, I hope you feel well that day because I always love to see you. It is my dream one day to have a plant you want LOL -Traciby Traci - Spring 2022 Want
I can't wait to see you!! I'd love a bee trap. -Traciby Traci - Spring 2022 Have
Can you please bring me a Cinnamon Basil? It's one of my favorites. I haven't had one in years! -Traciby Traci - Spring 2022 Have
Banana I'm open to any plants, really. I love them allby Traci - Spring 2022 Want
I haven't had much time in the garden this year with all the cold. I'll probably have more as the week goes by * Lemon Balm (I have so much!!) * Crocosmia Lucifer (again - so many! beautiful flower) * Elderberries (I know I have at least one) No trades needed. You want - I bring. Just let me know! I want my plant babies to have homes -Traci List Martha - Iris Nwiles -by Traci - Spring 2022 Have
Leigh - She is pretty open to anything but flowers and herbs are what she likes the most. She has a good mix of Sun and Shade (lucky dog!), so it's free game! -Traciby Traci - Spring 2021 Want
Hey first-timer! What is your name? Look for me there! I registered here in 2017. I don't know if that's the first time or if it's when we moved over to this new forum. Regardless, it's been a long time and I love newbies!! you'll love it! A lot of good people here. -Traciby Traci - Spring 2021 Discussion
Well guys - 2021 has been a little rough on me. I've been under the weather and unable to garden very much so not sure what I'll have to trade. However, I am helping a friend establish a garden so I'll be there to beg for plant babies for her! LOL I want to put together a HUGE gift to her from the Swap Squad I figure I'm due a year off. I brought over 100 plants last yeby Traci - Spring 2021 Want
hey twil82b - Make your own post under the "want" forum and people will be able to find you easier. Also, I have strawberry mint. LOL I'll bring you some if you're gonna be at the swap. I also have st. john's wort, but mine is the ground cover. I'm not sure if you are looking for the bush variety. I know tons about herbs (and I have tons), so if you gotby Traci - Spring 2021 Want
I didn't find actual name tags, but I got some pretty big "Removable Labels" (30 of them) and a pack of 4 permanent markers. -Traby Traci - Spring 2020 Discussion
I'm going out today. I'll see if I can find some -Traciby Traci - Spring 2020 Discussion
Kel - you got it! I appreciate the hostas for sure! I'm totally redoing a shady section of the yard. I'm glad I can give them a good home. I'm sorry you lost your shade, but think of all the full-sun things you can grow now. -Traby Traci - Spring 2020 Have
I'd love to have strawberry begonia. If you have a lot, I'd like to have 2 - one for the house and one to try as ground cover and I'd love the bronze-colored mum. Do you remember about how tall it gets? -Traciby Traci - Spring 2020 Have
I'd love to have a Maternity plant. I haven't had one of those in years! Also, I'll take some orange cosmos. I love orange flowers and any you can spare will be appreciated. I hope you found your glasses and can read this! LOL -Traciby Traci - Spring 2020 Have
Mary - that sounds good! Do you have Facebook? If so, send me a friend request and we can set it up (Traci Sprain Hubbs) Knotty Hemp Lady (LOVE your name!!!) I will bring you some Crocosmia. It's SOOOO delightful! I'm so happy it's finally starting to multiply so I can share. Everyone should have this in their garden! And my oregano is insane!!! I'm going to have to sby Traci - Spring 2020 Have
I did a little advertisement for us today on Facebook. I asked that everyone wear masks and bring hand sanitizer. I just directed people to this site and mainly the forums. Hope you don't mind, Brandon. You know I always try to help. I'm also going to make my own name tag and a sign for my table as well. And I may wear a shirt that says "don't touch me!" (okay,by Traci - Spring 2020 Discussion
Oh girl - I have so much lemon balm!! LOL I'll bring you some. If you have some extra garlic chives and stevia, I'll take them as well. Check out my have list and see if there is anything you want there. Where is your stevia growing that it loves it so well? Do you mulch it in the fall? -Traciby Traci - Spring 2020 Have
Yacon root strawberries blue berries thornless blackberries marigolds moonflower witch hazel Kousa Dogwood bleeding heart Sweet grass/vanilla grass (Hierochloe odorata or Anthoxanthum nitens) hens and chicks Camomile Rosemary Watermelon any annual flowers shade plants -Traciby Traci - Spring 2020 Want
You see something you want - you let me know. I don't necessarily have to swap. I'll be happy to share my plant babies with you. I'm not bring a bunch of extras, so if you want it tell me beforehand. I'm planning on being in and out quickly this year. striped dwarf bamboo strawberry mint peppermint 4 o'clocks (Mirabilis jalapa) - color is purple, I believe Sunchoby Traci - Spring 2020 Have
Girl, I can hook you up with some Lemon balm! I have lucifer crocosmia that is a striking red - gets about knee-high. I'm sure I have a few extra I can lift. Let me know! -Traciby Traci - Spring 2020 Want
I have a few lucifer crocosmia that I can lift for you. It's such a striking plant!! I also have gayfeather, which I do believe blooms purple. I also have a ground-cover of Saint John's Wort that blooms yellow and is quite lovely. Let me know! -Traciby Traci - Spring 2020 Want
Iris' are always a mystery, aren't they? LOL I try to label mine but it's so hard to keep up. LOL I'd love some Hostas. I'm redoing some shade portions of my yard and hostas would be perfect. I'd also love to have both varieties of your Kniphofia. Is the lemon full-size or a dwarf? Also Sansevieria. I need a good house plant. -Traciby Traci - Spring 2020 Have
I would LOVE to have blanketflower!! Can you bring me one? I'm with Brandon, you just never know what people want.That's why I like doing the pre-trades here. I usually just bring a few extra of whatever I've pre-traded or just whatever I need to divide for the year. Seedlings are fine. I've gotten many of seedling at the swap. I'll get my "have" list upby Traci - Spring 2020 Have
I'd love a Gladiolus Fiesta. i'll try to get my "have" list up soon -Traciby Traci - Spring 2020 Have
I'm interested in the Decaisnea fargesii. That sounds so cool and I'm all about edibles. -Traciby Traci - Spring 2020 Have
I am planning on being there. I do have a table and I'll bring it. I'm looking forward to seeing your farm. I'm glad we will be able to get together in some form or fashion. It's the one event I always look forward to. I never seem to make it to the fall swap. I always have a conflict but I always try to make it to the spring one. -Traciby Traci - Spring 2020 Discussion
I see you already have oregano. I'll walk the garden and see what I can find for you.by Traci - Spring 2019 Want
Thanks Ronnie! Frances - I'd love your thyme. I just love herbs!by Traci - Spring 2019 Want